
Competition 1 ( Line Follower Robot)

First competition held is a line follower robot. Groups are required to build a robot following a black line with the maximum speed giving set of predefined components.

Main objective:

The objective of this contest is for an autonomous robot to follow a black line on a white background, without losing the line, and navigating several turns. The robot to complete the course in the shortest period of time while accurately tracking the course line from start to finish wins. In the event no robot finishes, the robot that has gone the farthest wins.


1-      Only components provided to each team are allowed to be used for building the robot, no additional components are allowed.
2-      The power source for each robot should up to 8 AA batteries , no other batteries are allowed.
3-      Participants are not allowed to touch their robot after the start, unless they are allowed by judges
4-      If a robot goes into a state from which it cannot get out in 20 seconds (for example, if a robot deviates from the racecourse), it will be removed from the arena and the distance will be considered to be unaccomplished.
5-      After your run begins, your robot must not leave the track. It is considered that the robot is following the line while moving with at least one of its parts directly above the line. Otherwise it is considered that the robot has deviated from the line. The evaluation of whether the robot has left the line or not will, in some cases, require a judgment call. Judges' decisions are final. J
6-      Once a robot has lost track of the line (or reached the end of the line) it must stop automatically within no more than 10 cm from the line.
This distance will be measured between the nearest point of the line  the robot to each other.
7-      The line following course shall traverse a white paper rectangle. The line shall be a black, electricity isolator tape (shekartoun) traversing the arena. There might be crossing in which case either take the risk of a crash and getting out of the course L or sense this situation and deal with it (by stopping the robot till the opponent is far enough to avoid the collision). Switchbacks and hairpins (sharp U-shaped turn) are possible, but the adjacent sections of the line shall be no closer together than 15cm when measured from the center of each line. The line course could have right angle, acute or obtuse angel turns.
8-      Access to the arena will be allowed to all team 30 minutes before starting the contest in order to configure and tune their robots.
9-      Multiple courses will be utilized in the same day , we will have a league for each course
10-   The score of a match (three points) will be calculated as a set of games of three.
11-   One timeout for tuning per a match (three games) and for three minutes is allowed.

Competition 2 ( Balancing Robot for Sumo Competition )

Second competition will be held is sumo competition, teams are going to design and build up 2-wheel balancing robot for a Sumo competition;


1. Robots should be within the circular ring all the time
2. Robots shouldn't have arms.
3. Circular playing ring dimensions will be given before the competition
4. Only below components are allowed 
       a) 1 Aurdino Mega Shield 
       b) 1 Aurdino Mega Board
       c)  1 IMU 6DOF 
       d) 1 UltraSonic Sensor
       e) 1 Motor Sheild
       f) 2 Motors
       g) 1 Infrared sensor
       h)  Wires, Battery


        1) Winning
              either any other part except the wheels of the opponent touches the ground or the apponent moves outside the ring ( the two wheels )              
        2) Code and Implementation
        3) Good design




1. Four infrared detection, tracking sensors, tracing the car, tracking avoidance module, black and white line recognition

2. 10DOF module nine-axis attitude the instrument L3G4200D ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP085 module

3. 2pcs/lot Photoresistor sensor Brightness Sensor/Photoresistor/Smart car sensor module

4. 2pcs/lot HC-SR04 / ultrasonic module/ultrasonic ranging module/ranging module/ultrasonic/sensor

 5. forrduin dedicated full-featured motor-driven expansion board L293D (Arduino -Compatible)

6. forrduin MEGA special sensor expansion board for Sensor Shield V1.0 electronic building blocks(Arduino -Compatible)

7. Mega 2560 board 100% (Arduino -Compatible) , mege 2560 R3 2012 brand new board 16U2 + line+ usb line

8. Others


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